Roll of the dice

Imagine life as a grand casino, where each of us steps up to the table of existence. The dice in our hands represent our thoughts, beliefs, and perceptions.

As we roll the dice, they create the ILLUSION of our problems and challenges. The dice we roll are our manifestations of our thinking. Just as the dice can land in countless ways, our thinking creates a variety of experiences, unique to each one of us.

But just like in the game, these problems are merely the numbers that come up - fleeting illusions have no real power over us... unless we buy into the illusion. Like a magician who falls for his own tricks.

We are not bound by our outcome of these dice. Our innate wisdom reminds us that the game in and of itself is a construct in our own mind. It’s just that somewhere along the way, we bought into our own thinking and made it FEEL REAL.

When we start to wake up to this truth, most of our problems tend to disappear like trying to remember the numbers we rolled 3 minutes ago.


